One slide out in the “living area”. This side has an outdoor shower as well. . Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Fridge and Freezer, Propane Stove, Microwave, Sink and Cutting Board. . Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Dinette, Couch/Futon, Pantry, ample room for storage and seating.. Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Double bed and twin bunk, futon/couch and kitchen table makes a bed for more room. Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Double bed and twin bunk, futon/couch and kitchen table makes a bed for more room. Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Awning is perfect for sunny days or rainy nights at the campground! . Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Mississippi Palisades Park in Savannah, Illinois. Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Dinette, Couch/Futon, Pantry, ample room for storage and seating.. Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Bathroom/sink. Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Primary Queen Bedroom . Keystone RV Summerland 2008
Hitch and Propane tank area. Keystone RV Summerland 2008