Outdoorsy memberHost since August 2018
4.967% response rateTypically responds in less than an hour
About Daniel Walker
Build Outdoor Western Red Cedar Furniture, Custom Cornhole & Beer Pong Boards See through coin banks and a variety of wood crafts in our Marengo OH-IO woodshop.
Outdoorsy memberHost since August 2018
4.967% response rateTypically responds in less than an hour
Memories made on trips with Daniel Walker's RVs
Adam B.
3June 2022
Carolyn Y.
3May 2021
Coffee pot and tv did not work. Was not told up front of additional charges to dump or for propane. And was not told what delivery fee was going to be up front.
Tricia B.
5September 2020
Everything was set up and ready to go for us! Daniel was great to work with.
Shane T.
5September 2020
Great camper, completely set up when we arrived and didn’t have to worry about anything!
Sabrina M.
5August 2020
We had a great experience - Would recommend!
Erika E.
5August 2020
Dan was a great guy to rent from. Anything we needed he provided and quickly. The Rv was spotless and cake stocked with fun outdoor games! It kept ya nice and cool too!
Phillip K.
5April 2020
Had to cancel due to the covid-19 Dan was great to work with and wished trip could of happened but it was out of our control. Thanks again
Jeanette P.
5July 2019
Best stocked camper we have rented so far!