Outdoorsy memberHost since May 2023
94% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
About Kristin and Patrick Brown
Pat and Kristin are both teachers living and working up in Northern Arizona! We love experiencing new places as well as old. Pat is a former Grand Canyon guide and is always excited to share his love of the whole area. Kristin is fluent in American Sign Language. The Happy Camper reminds Pat to stay positive when he sees her at an aid station 80 miles into an ultra-marathon. The Happy Camper keeps Kristin well supplied with her favorite things: a hot drink and a book. We are so excited to share our camper with you and hear about where the road takes you!
Outdoorsy memberHost since May 2023
94% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
No RVs available to rent
Kristin and Patrick Brown does not currently have any available vehicles.