Outdoorsy memberHost since April 2023
580% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
About Charles Goss
Outdoorsy memberHost since April 2023
580% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
Memories made on trips with Charles Goss's RVs
0July 2024
Charles Goss canceled the booking 4 days before departure. This is an automated posting.
Seth C.
5June 2024
Judy K.
5August 2023
The RV was great, it was set up and explained to me how to use everything, my friends and I were warm and dry with lots of room. We will definitely do this again next year. We did all of our cooking outside on our camping stove but only because we still want to have a camping feeling but sleep in comfort. Our host was easy to communicate with. Thank you Charles, see you next year
3 Photos submitted by Judy K.