Outdoorsy memberHost since November 2022
93% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
About Oscar Diaz
Hi. I’m Oscar and my wife is Ana. We have one daughter and one expected baby on the way. We also have three dachshunds (weenie dogs ). Both me and Ana are professional photographers and Videographers so we don’t have a lot of the weekends we would want to take big Bertha out. So we decided to allow other family’s to experience the joy of camping or traveling in a Rv. We recently upgraded to this beautiful class c rv from a pop up. And we absolutely enjoy how easy and effortless it is to take this rv out and set up. We hope to hear from you soon and let’s get started on your next adventure!
Outdoorsy memberHost since November 2022
93% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours