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About Kiley Santana

I really wanted something very portable and able to reach those distant trailheads. So I purchased an Antishanty, but they are expensive, and I can only spend so much time in one while working full time. Thus the birth of Kiley's Explorations LLC! Once the Antishanty is paid off, I hope to continue to spread the joy of the outdoors and invest back into the shanty to further enhance yours and my experiences in nature.

Outdoorsy memberHost since October 2022


64% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours

Memories made on trips with Kiley Santana's RVs

Lena H.

5July 2024

Lena H.

5October 2023

This may be our favorite camper! It is so versatile and sturdy. We took it hunting in the snow and mud and stayed nice and toasty inside at night! Kiley has this camper stocked with all the essentials.

6 Photos submitted by Lena H.

Jason H.

5September 2023