Outdoorsy memberHost since March 2022
100% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours
About Michael & Mee-Ja Moore's RV rentals
Hello! We believe that getting unplugged and outdoors is essential to living a fulfilled life. Our two kids are grown and on their own, which leaves us with some lovely freedom to get out and explore. For that, we just purchased a TAXA Cricket, our first RV camper. The solid craftsmanship and unique design is what pulled us in. Our first excursion will be to the Badlands in May. We have a long list of other cool spots to visit. Sometimes the hard part is deciding on where next! We are excited to be new members of the Outdoorsy community and look forward to meeting and sharing our Cricket with some interesting folks soon!
Outdoorsy memberHost since March 2022
100% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours
No RVs available to rent
Michael & Mee-Ja Moore does not currently have any available vehicles.