5About Harry Huang
With both our kids from scouting background, we just love the outdoor, having visited many national parks in the west as well as traveled extensively along the east coast from Maine to Florida. As a family, we hiked the Appalachians and the Rockies, sunbathed on Floridian and Californian beaches, kayaked in upstate New York, and stargazed in Utah and Wyoming. Now that we are Airstream owners, we find ourselves enjoying the same outdoor adventures with so much more convenience and flexibility. Cooking delicious family meals, taking warm shower in the wilderness, watching movies after dinner, or getting warm, cozy sleep on rainy nights -- these make us always look forward to the next adventure!
5Memories made on trips with Harry Huang's RVs
Gillian F.
5October 2023
jaunt next year.
Paul R.
5September 2023
2 Photos submitted by Paul R.
Kimberly S.
5August 2023
1 Photo submitted by Kimberly S.
Colleen K.
5August 2022
2 Photos submitted by Colleen K.
Katie M.
5May 2022