Outdoorsy memberHost since March 2021
67% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
About Jason Shelton
Hi, we live in a great area in Nashville's Big Backyard. We want others to see what we get to enjoy and decided to list our RV. It is a stationary location, although we wouldn't be opposed to letting someone take it out for a drive and stay. We have two great locations that the RV can be setup: Crockett State Park and Rambler's RV Park in Leoma, TN. Ramblers, has fiber Wifi capability and Crockett will at some point as well. Come on out and experience Lawrence County, Tennessee!
Outdoorsy memberHost since March 2021
67% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
No RVs available to rent
Jason Shelton does not currently have any available vehicles.